Monday, July 26, 2010

Next weeks flavor is.....

Tiramisu :)

Hi Everyone,

Its been a while, but i'm back in action! This week is very busy for me, got a couple of small orders and then a wedding order for Saturday. But then i get to relax the rest of the long weekend :)

So next week's flavor is Tiramisu, 2 for $6 or 6 for $15. Message me by Tuesday August 2nd if you would like a box! or 647-261-4155

crazy cupcake lady

Monday, July 12, 2010

Downtown service will resume in August

Hi guys!

You must be wondering why I have disappeared and haven't put up any posts to my blogs....well i've just been enjoying summer way too much :) Also, been busy with orders on the weekends so haven't been able to bake for my downtown fans.

I will be resuming downtown service first week of august. I will update at the end of the month what that weeks flavor will be. Till then enjoy!

crazy cupcake lady
